The last of the season

With winter marching in and Christmas on the way, I thought I would share some pictures of the glorious autumn colours we had in Languedoc this year.  I took the photographs on a walk last week, a couple of days before some wet and stormy weather moved across Languedoc.  I’m sure there are still a few leaves clinging on out there, but mostly the leaves are gone now.  Not surprising really, it’s early December after all!

Here’s where I started my walk – this field is just a few steps away from the main street in Saint-Chinian.


Look at how these leaves glow in the sunshine!!




A little farther on, the trees appear to have shed most of their leaves, but the leaves on the vines beyond are still almost green, and of course the evergreens around the vineyards stay ever so green!


At Clos Bagatelle, this vineyard was a myriad of different shades of orange and russet.

Just around the corner I found this bottlebrush plant (callistemon) flowering its heart out.


Daisies seem to thrive everywhere!


At Chateau La Dournie, the predominant colour was yellow!



This wonderful stand of trees is right by the Vernazobre river:


Some plants thrive in the shelter which these trees provide.

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At La Rive, the market gardens had some very neat looking rows of cabbages!


Returning towards Saint-Chinian, I caught this view of the windmill with the vineyards below.


This mushroom is not edible, but looks quite attractive.


And here is the last picture from my walk, the flowers and fruits of an arbousier (arbutus unedo).  I’m not sure if there are many plants which bear fruit and flowers at the same time, but this is definitely one of them!!


If you’re planning a visit to Saint-Chinian, and are interested in following in my footsteps, I give you below the map of my walk.  I hope you’ll enjoy it!


15 thoughts on “The last of the season

  1. Another lovely taste of the Languedoc, thank you so much for a year of walks, sights and most of all EATS. I have put on 15 kilos just reading your stories in the last year !.
    A happy Christmas to you and all of your readers, I hope 2017 brings good health and happiness – and more lovely restaurants.
    Thank you.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Hi I already follow your fab blog, so thought I would share that I am super excited as I am officially in the running for the UK BLOG AWARDS 2017! If you could click the link and choose FoodandDrink&Lifestyle on the drop down menu:
    Thank you kindly in advance your vote is much appreciated
    Melanie xx

    STOP there is still time to have your say 🙂


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